10 mars - Elenora Wilde, FAVORITFam. Melb,



Vaknade inatt vid 3 när Jeremy smsdade och sa 'How about I take you out for dinner then?' jag bara 'how about we talk about it tomorrow?'


Vaknade sedan vid 9 och fattade ingenting och sedan 11.30 av mig själv. Då insåg jag att jag aldrig ställt någon klocka. Jag skulle ju möta Eleonora vid the Volunteer 12.30, men kl 12 smsade hon och sa att hon precis vaknat, så om vi kunde ses där kl 1 istället vore det bättre och jag satt med precis färdiglagar havregrynsgröt, utan färdkläder och tänkte bara 'YES', då har jag en halvtimme på mig!

Jag tänkte gå ner, för då kunde jag ta bussen hela vägen tillbaka sedan, eftersom hon sulle till gymmet.. Bussen hem skulle gå 17.40 och då är jag hemma halv 7 och kan fixa mig och sticka med Jeremy senare!


När jag kollade mailen, så hade jag fått svar från min ABSOLUTA FAVORITFAMILJ:

We are a family from Melbourne Australia. We have plenty to offer the right candidate. I believe my kids comes first, before housework, so we are looking for an older sister, not a housekeeper.

What we offer:

- $300 per week
- plenty of free time - weekends, evenings, public holidays are all free
- your own private room
- wireless internet
- walking distance to bus and train
- a very safe neighbourhood, with parks, walking tracks and a cafe
- free access to a pool, gym and tennis court at the local country club
- 1 week paid leave is you work 6 months
- 2 weeks paid leave if you work 9 months
- a bonus if you stay 12 months

What we need:
- someone we can trust with our kids
- a confident driver who has been driving for a while
- someone who really likes kids and can play with them, not just watch them.
- someone who is willing to cook some dinners for us on the days she works
- someone who can easily make Friends on her own (lots of aupair facebook groups in Melbourne)
- someone who is willing to do some very light housework (kids comes first!)
- Someone clean and tidy
- most important, someone who thinks about safety and keep them safe.

About the kids:

Rachael: she is turning 8 in January and goes to school. She is a very loving child and will give you plenty of hugs. She loves art and are always drawing something. She also loves playing WII

Marcus: he will turn 3 in April and is a typical little boy and will explore everything. He loves being outside and also goes to playgroup and swimming.

They are both good kids and are used to an aupair around.

We do have a small puppy, a King Charles Cavalier, but is training her to be happy outdoors.


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